SCSS11 yearsSASS is my preprocessor of choice, I prefer to keep it light with only the bare minimum of variables and mixins to help theming
JavaScript11 yearsMy programming language of choice, I love JS, you can easily find me in conventions near Bologna.
UI6 yearsUI is knowing the patterns that make an interface usable and familiar to the users, and the ability to make it look good.
Photoshop15 yearsI have been working with Adobe Photoshop for more than 10 years, so I have extensive knowledge of the software.
Illustrator3 yearsMy workflow involves using Illustrator in all the vector artworks such as logos and icons
Mockups6 yearsWith quick mockups I can bring your project to life. This helps you be on the same page with your clients and your development team.
Prototyping6 yearsPrototypes help you visualize the application flow, it's essential to spot any usability issue early on your project.
UX2 yearsEverything is UX, I'll help you polish your user flows and your personas with simplicity in mind.